Monday, November 15, 2010


When I first decided to start my blog, I wasn't sure how personal I wanted to get.  There a lot of things in my past that have happened that only a few people know, and things no one knows.  I am generally a very private person and don't like to share personal things with others.  Because of this, I keep things to myself and tend to let them fester until I explode and takes things out on other people.  I don't like this about myself and try to share more things that are going on, that I am worried about, things that bother me. Part of my problem with this is that I don't like to burden other people with my issues.  But if I want to get all these thoughts out of my head and keep them from interfering with my daily life, I need to get a little personal.  Now comes the warning: The things I am about to post in my blog are things I have never shared with anyone or very few people.  I am going to shock some people with some of the things I will post here.  I may offend some people.  I don't mean to offend, but like I said, this blog is meant to be a sort of therapy for me and my outlet for getting these torturous thoughts to go away.  I will change names to protect certain people, but this is my life.  It is raw.  It is crazy.  It is me.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to reading and to helping you heal!
